Dear Friend of Siberian Lutheran Mission Society (SLMS),
The invasion of Vladimir Putin and the Russian army into Ukraine has created an international crisis. As economic sanctions are put into place by the USA and other Western countries (or Russia in retaliation to Western sanctions), we are uncertain if or when international banking between the USA and Russia will be blocked.
Due to this uncertainty, the SLMS executive committee has authorized the regular bank transfers for March and April to be sent in advance to the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELC).
Any donations to the SLMS general fund, received from now until economic sanctions prohibit the distribution of funds to the SELC, will be expedited to the SLMS/SELC distribution account. This action will continue until the SLMS may resume its regular monthly distribution of donations to the SELC.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Siberia!
Donations may also be sent to:
Siberian Lutheran Mission Society
c/o Ascension Lutheran Church
8811 St. Joe Rd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
Please, first of all, pray for the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pray for their Bishop, Pastors, and Deacons. Urge your pastor to pray from the holy altar, pray in your homes. Pray with your friends during Bible study and whenever you gather.

At the request of President Matthew Harrison and the LCMS Church Relations Office, the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society has been asked to build an endowment capable of rendering the Russian Seminary financially self-sufficient. The goal is to raise $7 Million over the next five years (2019-2023). Please consider supporting this mission endeavor with a one-time gift, a five-year pledge, or in your estate planning. A private charitable foundation will continue to support the operational budget while the SLMS raises money for the permanent, ongoing support. Please help with your gift to Save a Seminary!
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